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Keep Your Website Always Online | Cloudflare Cloudflare's Always Online™ is a feature that caches a static version of your website, through its integration with the Internet Archive, keeping your website available in case your origin server becomes unresponsive. With Always Online, Cloudflare will serve a limited copy of your cached website to keep your most popular pages online for your visitors. The Internet Archive currently uses the following user agent: Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/605.1.15 Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/605.1.15 Enabling and Disabling Always Online Always Online can be enabled and disabled with just a click of a button on the Cloudflare dashboard. When the Internet Archive integration is enabled, Cloudflare tells the Internet Archive what pages to crawl and how often.Crawling frequencies vary based on the Cloudflare plan of our customers: Plan: Websites are crawled once every 30 days. Websites are crawled once every 15 days. Plan: Websites are crawled once every 5 days. Critical Infrastructure Defense Project Diversity, equity, & inclusion